The Future of Case Notes

Quicker to capture and always up-to-date, leading to happier clients and more referrals

How much time does your team spend on case notes on average? Not only can it take a long time – sometimes they are not updated regularly enough, leading to essential information about clients falling through the cracks.

Update Case Notes by Voice

  • Voice-to-text technology allows you to dictate updates to your case notes, making it quicker than ever before to make updates while on-the-go.
  • Your team will be able to see any updates in real-time, so you all have access to the most current info on every client.
  • You can update notes using the mobile app or the web, giving you flexibility and ability to keep up-to-date from the field or from the office.
  • You will always be able to rely on your case notes, giving you what you need to work with your clients and meet their goals.

FieldWorker: Case Management and Field Service Software built for a mobile workforce

Ready to help your team save time while keeping their case notes up to date?


Absolutely! We use the latest tech to help make all of your team’s tasks more efficient, and case notes are no exception. From the FieldWorker mobile app, your team will be able to use speech-to-text technology to dictate their voice notes in a matter of minutes. Then after a quick check, they can submit them – all without needing to go back to the office and write them up, saving your team hours every week!

Yes! You can add comments to any task assigned to you, meaning your team will be able to see any updates on progress or blockers. In addition, you’ll be able to upload files and photographs of documents and attach these to specific tasks from the web platform and mobile app, making it effortless to keep all the information you need in one accessible place. Find out more here.

From the task in the FieldWorker app, you’ll have a “Voice” option, which is where you dictate your updates. Once done, you’ll be presented with a transcript, which you can check, amend as necessary, and submit. Find out more about how it works here.

In the projects area of the app or web platform, you’ll be able to see any comments on each task within a project, in addition to any documents or case notes under the “Artefacts” tab. You can find out more about this here.

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