Track Time with Ease

Simple and accurate time tracking across devices at any time. Simply check in and out for any activity to clock in exactly the right number of hours.

Automated Quality Controls

An all-in-one location to access all your records and documentation, ensuring your billing information is complete and up-to-date for processing.

Faster Billing Cycles

Use available up-to-date billing, time and activity informationto pre-fill data, spend more time with Your Clients than on payment procedures.

Everything for Billing in One Place

  • Intuitive and accurate time tracking for visits and other activities, ensuring the accuracy of your bills.
  • Automated quality controls to ensure all bills contain the necessary information.
  • All the information you need for billing in one place – from time to client history and insurance details.
  • In-platform expense management and approval.

Accelerate Your Billing Cycle with FieldWorker!

Ready to accelerate your billing cycle and reduce errors?

No credit card needed | Access all features | HIPAA-compliant


Yes! That’s because FieldWorker gives your team a way to accurately track their time, automatically recording timesheet entries whenever they make progress on tasks. This generates a timesheet overview – and just in case you need to, you’ll be able to easily amend any timesheet entry. More accurate entries means more accurate calculations for your bills, ultimately saving you time! Find out more about how FieldWorker helps eliminate billing errors here.

Our platform is designed to ensure your data is accurate, giving you confidence that your bills are correct. That means you spend less time resolving issues between your team, clients and insurers, and as a result – have an overall faster payment cycle. Less time wasted, faster payments, it’s a win-win!

Join the FieldWorker Revolution today!

Streamline Your Workflow Today!

No credit card needed | Access all features | HIPAA-compliant

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